Search found 164 matches

by walter
25 Dec 2024, 11:49
Forum: Hardware and software hacking
Topic: Process video with HW, not SW(ROM)
Replies: 2
Views: 3086

Re: Process video with HW, not SW(ROM)

Hi 1kb, That's an interesting idea/approach. Thanks for sharing. The total transistor count for the whole system will go up quite a bit, making the hardware more complicated. But you will gain speed and a more friendly system from the software viewpoint. It would be interesting to see if this is fea...
by walter
23 Jun 2024, 10:56
Forum: Hardware and software hacking
Topic: Another FPGA Gigatron implementation
Replies: 6
Views: 11283

Another FPGA Gigatron implementation

As already stated on discord: there is somebody in Germany who made another FPGA implementation of the Gigatron, see What is nice, is that is uses the simple and cheap Tang Nano 9K FPGA board. I bought one of these boards for under €18 including shipping. ...
by walter
05 Jun 2024, 08:42
Forum: Hardware and software hacking
Topic: online gigatron emulator and CSP errors
Replies: 9
Views: 13880

Re: online gigatron emulator and CSP errors

Marcel would have enjoyed having MSCP running there. is now active.
by walter
04 Jun 2024, 16:59
Forum: Hardware and software hacking
Topic: online gigatron emulator and CSP errors
Replies: 9
Views: 13880

Re: online gigatron emulator and CSP errors

Sorry, I added a CSP header that broke the emulator. I've removed it for now. is working again, and so are https://gigatr...
by walter
03 Apr 2024, 11:11
Forum: Hardware and software hacking
Topic: Is this picture about instruction and operation right?
Replies: 2
Views: 7753

Re: Is this picture about instruction and operation right?

Interesting.. you found an error in my slides, after >5 years :-) The slides are indeed incorrect. The correct information is on GitHub: . In my slide, the instruction matches this order: IR1 IR0 IR4 IR3 IR2 IR7 IR6 IR...
by walter
26 Feb 2024, 19:19
Forum: Escape Meta Alt Control Shift
Topic: Forum performance issues
Replies: 5
Views: 17665

Re: Forum performance issues

The server is now running at the opposite side of the world from where it was! Performance is restored, there may be some last tweaks the coming period. Thanks again to at67 for taking over managing the forum.
by walter
16 Feb 2024, 18:37
Forum: Escape Meta Alt Control Shift
Topic: Forum performance issues
Replies: 5
Views: 17665

Re: Forum performance issues

Thanks to at67, the server will probably move a bit earlier and from then on have improved performance. The move will happen somewhere in the next few weeks and will be announced here, as it will involve a short period in which new posts will not be possible.
by walter
13 Nov 2023, 20:37
Forum: Hardware and software hacking
Topic: Command SAVE in MSBASIC
Replies: 3
Views: 4609

Re: Command SAVE in MSBASIC

Nice find!
by walter
06 Nov 2023, 16:25
Forum: Escape Meta Alt Control Shift
Topic: Forum performance issues
Replies: 5
Views: 17665

Re: Forum performance issues

I made some changes (throttling requests), hope that'll make it better. Coming July, the server will move.
by walter
05 Nov 2023, 09:27
Forum: Escape Meta Alt Control Shift
Topic: Forum performance issues
Replies: 5
Views: 17665

Forum performance issues

You might encounter some difficulties with the forum site/main site. Especially when automated queries are made (bots) the current system is unable to cope with the amount of requests and will throw server errors.