Search found 149 matches
- 12 Jul 2024, 23:54
- Forum: Hardware and software hacking
- Topic: Another FPGA Gigatron implementation
- Replies: 6
- Views: 4104
Re: Another FPGA Gigatron implementation
I didn't even know they used diodes. The way I work out the resistor values to use is to write a series of equations based on the Thevenin equivalent circuit with the 75ohm load and solve for the resistor values needed to achieve the target voltages. I'd have to go dig up my circuit analysis textboo...
- 10 Jul 2024, 07:28
- Forum: Hardware and software hacking
- Topic: Another FPGA Gigatron implementation
- Replies: 6
- Views: 4104
Re: Another FPGA Gigatron implementation
I'm also leaning towards the level shifter messing with the VGA timing or levels. I question what that RC circuit he's introduced on the VDDA rail would do to output. A scope capture of the SYNC pulses comparing the input and output levels would be instructive. TBH I really don't have a lot of exper...
- 28 Jun 2024, 06:16
- Forum: Hardware and software hacking
- Topic: Another FPGA Gigatron implementation
- Replies: 6
- Views: 4104
Re: Another FPGA Gigatron implementation
For some reason, I could not get an image out of the VGA connection. HSYNC/VSYNC work, as the controller also works. I looked at his constraints file and both his and the tang nano 9k schematic. He assigned the outputs to a 1.8V bank of pins and is using a 2.2k/4k voltage divider to get the 3.3V sw...
- 04 Jun 2024, 02:11
- Forum: Hardware and software hacking
- Topic: online gigatron emulator and CSP errors
- Replies: 9
- Views: 5141
Re: online gigatron emulator and CSP errors
I think it's under the PhilThomas Contrib folder in the GH repo. Also have you seen this? viewtopic.php?t=459
- 21 Feb 2024, 10:58
- Forum: Kit assembly gallery
- Topic: Hello! I made a Gigatron
- Replies: 4
- Views: 12200
Re: Hello! I made a Gigatron
Are you able to tell what IC the knock off controller uses inside? I'm assuming it's hidden under a glob top. If you have the parts handy, it's fairly trivial to build a CD4021B or 74xx165 based NES controller if you want a guarantee of compatibility.
- 18 Oct 2023, 11:05
- Forum: Hardware and software hacking
- Topic: Craps (Dice Game)
- Replies: 4
- Views: 3626
- 18 Oct 2023, 08:08
- Forum: Hardware and software hacking
- Topic: Craps (Dice Game)
- Replies: 4
- Views: 3626
Re: Craps (Dice Game)
Nice work Mike! Dude, first Poker then Craps... When are Slots, Roulette and Blackjack going to be released? I'll get started working on the Gigatron Casino setup. Congrats again!
- 08 Sep 2023, 08:00
- Forum: Kit assembly gallery
- Topic: New Gigatron in Russia
- Replies: 8
- Views: 9961
Re: New Gigatron in Russia
I'm still leaning toward overscan. Most modern TVs I've used have a PC mode that removes all post-processing like scaling, etc. If you don't have that, I'd suggest trying a native 4:3 monitor (not TV) if possible. Something old enough where 640x480 was actually tested! Where I'm at, I've picked up m...
- 07 Sep 2023, 16:32
- Forum: Kit assembly gallery
- Topic: New Gigatron in Russia
- Replies: 8
- Views: 9961
Re: New Gigatron in Russia
Is that a monitor or TV? If TV, does it have a overscan on/off or PC mode menu setting? Are you using 6.25MHz crystal or something different?
- 30 Aug 2023, 20:39
- Forum: Hardware and software hacking
- Topic: Simple graphics lib to port for glcc?
- Replies: 2
- Views: 2366
Re: Simple graphics lib to port for glcc?
I played around with the DJGPP version of Allegro decades ago for 8-bit graphics on a 486DX2/50 . Might be useful as inspiration for an API, but probably too complicated for what the Gigatron can reasonably handle.