Search found 40 matches
- 08 Jun 2022, 14:56
- Forum: Hardware and software hacking
- Topic: Circuit simulator
- Replies: 3
- Views: 2989
Re: Circuit simulator
At what speed do you run it? (use version 0.4.15-SR9) The blinken lights do not light correctly.
- 01 Jun 2022, 18:39
- Forum: Hardware and software hacking
- Topic: searching for gtasm version 1.0.9R
- Replies: 0
- Views: 18665
searching for gtasm version 1.0.9R
The version of gtasm from is not version 1.0.9R, it is version 1.0.6R and the syntax is gtasm <input filename> <optional include path>, not gtasm <input filename> <start address in hex> as explained in the text below. Wher...
- 23 May 2022, 08:36
- Forum: Hardware and software hacking
- Topic: Memory detection
- Replies: 12
- Views: 7445
Re: Memory detection
I have used the version from Is not version 1.0.9R, it is version 1.0.6R and the syntax is gtasm <input filename> <optional include path>, not gtasm <input filename> <start address in hex> Where can I find version 1.0.9R?
- 22 May 2022, 21:24
- Forum: Hardware and software hacking
- Topic: Memory detection
- Replies: 12
- Views: 7445
Re: Memory detection
"glcc --version" returns exactly GLCC_RELEASE_1.5 (I have seen your binary, thanks) "gtasm bricks.vasm" generates bricks.gt1 file, but I have to change the first byte of generated bricks.gt1 from 0x01 to 0x00 to make a correct bricks.gt1, once done this bricks.gt1 ru...
- 22 May 2022, 19:40
- Forum: Hardware and software hacking
- Topic: Memory detection
- Replies: 12
- Views: 7445
Re: Memory detection
it is "gtasm bricks.vasm", right?
- 22 May 2022, 19:24
- Forum: Hardware and software hacking
- Topic: Memory detection
- Replies: 12
- Views: 7445
Re: Memory detection
What gives the new glcc 1.5 when run glcc --version? (I use windows XP and cannot run git checkout) Would like to compile, how to get bricks.gt1 from bricks.vasm? I have tried to run python3 core\ bricks.vasm but...
- 18 May 2022, 19:59
- Forum: Hardware and software hacking
- Topic: Memory detection
- Replies: 12
- Views: 7445
Re: Memory detection
A quick question, what should appear in the last glcc (compiled from latest sources) if you do "gclcc --version"?
- 14 May 2022, 21:33
- Forum: Hardware and software hacking
- Topic: Memory detection
- Replies: 12
- Views: 7445
Re: Memory detection
How to compile TSTmem.c for v4, v5a and dev roms? (glcc -map=32k TSTmem.c ?)
And Reset.gcl? (python3 core\ Reset.gcl ?)
And Reset.gcl? (python3 core\ Reset.gcl ?)
- 08 May 2022, 15:46
- Forum: Hardware and software hacking
- Topic: my Gigatron RAM and IO expansion does not work
- Replies: 37
- Views: 15225
Re: my Gigatron RAM and IO expansion does not work
Thanks, in testings I have done with the overclocked gigatron board I saw that a DIP14 size oscillator is more stable and less noisy than a XTAL based Colpitts oscillator like the one used in the Gigatron board
- 08 May 2022, 14:34
- Forum: Hardware and software hacking
- Topic: my Gigatron RAM and IO expansion does not work
- Replies: 37
- Views: 15225
Re: my Gigatron RAM and IO expansion does not work
Yes, I did exactly: (see 10MHz, 12.5MHz and Beyond! forum entry) - All 74F logic, including 74F04 for clock and 74F595 for input - Pull-up resistors in control unit lowered from 2.2kΩ to 680Ω - BAT42 signal diodes - C3 removed, used a 16.257MHz oscillator (DIP 14 pins size) instead XTAL base Colpitt...