I wonder, if there is any graphics lib outside, that could be ported to work with glcc and Gigatron?
Just a few I found by quick googling around:
Are there any others out there (Not relying on SDL/OpenGL/etc.pp)?
best, Peter
Simple graphics lib to port for glcc?
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Re: Simple graphics lib to port for glcc?
I played around with the DJGPP version of Allegro decades ago for 8-bit graphics on a 486DX2/50 . Might be useful as inspiration for an API, but probably too complicated for what the Gigatron can reasonably handle. https://www.allegro.cc/files/?v=4.2
Re: Simple graphics lib to port for glcc?
From what I remember app 10+ years ago, Allegro is way to heavy/big.
Two more based on X11 (I know - X11 base must be exchanged towards Gigatron base..):
Very simple an very small: https://www3.nd.edu/~dthain/courses/cse ... l2013/gfx/
A bit more complicated: https://github.com/Hermann-SW/ezxdisp
And another one (no details known):
https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/36 ... -Cplusplus
best, Peter
Two more based on X11 (I know - X11 base must be exchanged towards Gigatron base..):
Very simple an very small: https://www3.nd.edu/~dthain/courses/cse ... l2013/gfx/
A bit more complicated: https://github.com/Hermann-SW/ezxdisp
And another one (no details known):
https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/36 ... -Cplusplus
best, Peter