This was made by ordering PCBs from JLPCB in China, and sourcing all the bits from Farnell, Mouser and Digikey:
It works!
Sort of. I've hacked up a knock-off SNES controller to the 9 pin port. The Gigatron just acts like lots of random inputs are being pressed, and nothing I do on the controller makes any difference. I'll write up a post on the support page for this.
Anyway, hello!
Hello! I made a Gigatron
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Use this forum to show off your build photos. For build issues, please consult the directions in the sticky post on top instead.
Re: Hello! I made a Gigatron
Welcome and congratulations, there are many threads about controllers, SW, HW and the different types supported, I would do a quick search if I was you.
Re: Hello! I made a Gigatron
Are you able to tell what IC the knock off controller uses inside? I'm assuming it's hidden under a glob top. If you have the parts handy, it's fairly trivial to build a CD4021B or 74xx165 based NES controller if you want a guarantee of compatibility. ... rol_en.php ... /schematic ... rol_en.php ... /schematic
Re: Hello! I made a Gigatron
It's not potted, but it doesn't seem to have any markings.
I do like the custom "SECECT" button though, not seen that before
Thanks for the links - I've got some alternative controllers on the way from AliExpress, but I'll go dig through my bits box and see if I've got any 74LS165s lurking around.
I do like the custom "SECECT" button though, not seen that before

Thanks for the links - I've got some alternative controllers on the way from AliExpress, but I'll go dig through my bits box and see if I've got any 74LS165s lurking around.
Re: Hello! I made a Gigatron
Received some "famiclone" controllers from AliExpress, and they *sort of* work. The Gigatron recognises input from these, but causes one of my monitors to go black when it's plugged in. Random unplugging/plugging back in can make it come back to life some of the time.
So, an 74LS165 from eBay (made in W.Germany!), a bit of breadboard, some resistors and a spare 74HC04 inverter, and I've knocked up a controller circuit that works perfectly. No screen blanking at all with this. Playing Snake by touching a ground wire to resistor legs is a bit too hard though
Just need to 3D print a box and solder up some switches. I guess the "Famiclone" controller was interfering with the H/V sync signals too much for my old monitor to cope with.
So, an 74LS165 from eBay (made in W.Germany!), a bit of breadboard, some resistors and a spare 74HC04 inverter, and I've knocked up a controller circuit that works perfectly. No screen blanking at all with this. Playing Snake by touching a ground wire to resistor legs is a bit too hard though

Just need to 3D print a box and solder up some switches. I guess the "Famiclone" controller was interfering with the H/V sync signals too much for my old monitor to cope with.