While Marcel is traveling to VCF Pacific Northwest later this year, I am traveling to Pixels camp (https://pixels.camp) in Lisbon, Portugal next month. On the second day of the event (Friday March 22) I will give a presentation at 16:00 about the Gigatron. I'll also bring some kits if there's enough room in my bag (also bringing lots of lockpicking stuff).
A Gigatron-talk is also scheduled for T-DOSE (https://www.t-dose.org) in Eindhoven, Netherlands on May 11th.
pixels.camp Lisbon / T-DOSE Eindhoven
Re: pixels.camp Lisbon / T-DOSE Eindhoven
Tomorrow is the T-DOSE conference. It is a free conference in Eindhoven, Netherlands. See https://www.t-dose.nl/