rC3 talk in German

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rC3 talk in German

Post by walter »

Yesterday, there was a talk about the Gigatron at the CCC conference, which is this year remote, so named rC3.

At https://media.ccc.de/v/rc3-703359-basteln_im_lockdown you will find the video. It's in German.

They focus on the hardware and spend some time on how the logic gates work.

The only software they show is that of ROMv4, so not Apple-1 emulation, MS-BASIC or any of the third-party software unfortunately.

They mention the kit is not suited for people without soldering experience. I now know for sure that people are actually able to do the Gigatron as their very first soldering project. :-)
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Re: rC3 talk in German

Post by bmwtcu »


English translation version. I can't speak to the quality of the translation, but it's there...
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