Well, I made my Gigatron Emulator out of a PIC32 PIC

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Well, I made my Gigatron Emulator out of a PIC32 PIC

Post by dariog »

:) I know this should be about making a real computer out of TTL logic chips, and I loved this idea but...
I'm more into emulators (these days, I mean) and so I made it on one of my boards (which I alread used for Z80, 6502/C64 and even 8086)


It was fun and easy, but still interesting (study the whole Gigatron thing)

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Re: Well, I made my Gigatron Emulator out of a PIC32 PIC

Post by at67 »

Looks good, did you emulate sound as well? What vertical frequency does the emulation run at?
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