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Time for a contest? Simplest maze-like printing..

Posted: 08 Nov 2023, 17:17
by petersieg
I like simple code, that does (un)expected, but still interesting/nice things ;-)

From C64 (and probably a dozen more retro computer languages), exist a very nice writeup about a one line basic program, that basically just prints out a slash and a backslash randlomly and endless and therefore produces a maze like picture.

PDF: (BY-NC-SA 3.0)

So I quickly wrote one in glcc (v0) and one that uses two colors (v1). (
(I switched to output < and >, because the(back)slash does not look that nice with Gigatron char set at the moment)
I also tried myself in gtbasic. (

I am sure, both can be optimized in size and probably also speed.
And one can do even 'better' in gcl, assembler - you name it.
And possible draw bitmaps/sprites instead of simple chars.

So, who is next? ;-)

Who can make the smallest gt1?
Who the most beautiful one?

Anyone, have fun if you like ;-)

best, Peter

Re: Time for a contest? Simplest maze-like printing..

Posted: 08 Nov 2023, 22:49
by lb3361
This one prints slashes/backslashes in 8x8 squares, avoiding the console and the default font.
Writing the same in GCL or GASM would probably cut the gt1 size by a factor of two or so.

Compile with

Code: Select all

glcc -map=32k -rom=v5a TSTmaze.c -o TSTmaze.gt1 --no-runtime-bss-initialization
(714 Bytes) Downloaded 279 times
(803 Bytes) Downloaded 275 times
maze2.png (15.25 KiB) Viewed 4247 times

Code: Select all

#include <gigatron/sys.h>
#include <gigatron/console.h>

char * __near addr = 0;

void print_fslash(void)
	int b;
	for (b = 1; (char)b; b <<= 1, addr++) 
		SYS_VDrawBits(CONSOLE_DEFAULT_FGBG, b, addr); 

void print_bslash(void)
	int b;
	char *p = addr + 8;
	addr = p;
	for (b = 1; (char)b; b <<= 1) 

void scroll(void)
	byte *p = videoTable;
	byte x = *p;
	addr = (char*)(x << 8);
	for(; p != videoTable + 112 * 2; p += 2)
		p[0] = p[16];
	for(; p != videoTable + 120 * 2; p += 2, x++)
		p[0] = x;

void main(void)
	while(1) {
		if (addr == 0) {
			_console_clear(addr, CONSOLE_DEFAULT_FGBG, 8);
		if ((int) SYS_Random() < 0)
		if ((char)(unsigned)addr == 160)
			addr = 0;

Re: Time for a contest? Simplest maze-like printing..

Posted: 09 Nov 2023, 00:09
by lb3361
GCL version of the same. ROMv5a and above only because it uses opcode CALLI.

Only 188 bytes. I don't think GLCC will ever match this.

(803 Bytes) Downloaded 278 times
(188 Bytes) Downloaded 266 times

Code: Select all


160 addr=
  <addr, 160- [if=0 \scroll!]
  \SYS_Random_34 _sysFn= 34!!
  [if<0 \print_fslash! else \print_bslash!]

{ Print a forward slash }
[ _print_fslash=*
  \SYS_VDrawBits_134 _sysFn=
  $3f20 _sysArgs0=
  1 [do b= addr _sysArgs4= 1+ addr= b \sysArgs2. 134!!
        1<< \vACL, if<>0loop]

{ Print a backward slash }
[ _print_bslash=*
  \SYS_VDrawBits_134 _sysFn=
  $3f20 _sysArgs0=
  addr 8+ addr= p=
  1 [do b= p 1- p= _sysArgs4= b \sysArgs2. 134!!
      1<< \vACL, if<>0loop]

{ Scroll and clear last line }
[ _scroll=*
  \videoTable p= peek x= >addr. 0 <addr.
    p 16+ peek p. <p++ <p++
    $1e0 p- if<>0loop]
  \SYS_SetMemory_v2_54 _sysFn=
    x p. >_sysArgs2. 0 <_sysArgs2. $20a0 _sysArgs0= 54!!
    <x++ <p++ <p++
    $1f0 p- if<>0loop]

Re: Time for a contest? Simplest maze-like printing..

Posted: 09 Nov 2023, 10:10
by petersieg
VERY nice looking!
Will have a closer look..

Many thx.
Best, Peter

Re: Time for a contest? Simplest maze-like printing..

Posted: 11 Nov 2023, 11:41
by Phibrizzo

This is my contribution for the contest.

175 bytes.
(175 Bytes) Downloaded 278 times
Pure vCPU v5 code.

Code: Select all

_CPU    v5.vcpu

_VAR    FC_Main         #$20a0
_VAR    FC_Slash        #$21a0
_VAR    FC_BSlash       #$22a0
_VAR    FC_Scroll       #$23a0

_RUN    FC_Main

; ---------------

_VAR    adres   #129
_VAR    adresH  #130

_ORG    FC_Main

        LDWI    #$0B03  ; SetMemory
        STW     sysFn
        LDI     #60
        ST      sysArg1 ; copy value
_LAB #4
        LDWI    #$01df  ; videoTable + $df
        DEEK            ; ugly byte swap
        STW     adres
_LAB #1
        LD      #$9
        XORW    #$6
        ANDI    #1
        BNE     #2
        LDWI    FC_Slash
        BRA     #3
_LAB #2
        LDWI    FC_BSlash
_LAB #3
        CALL    vAC

        LD      adres
        XORI    #160
        BNE     #1

        LDWI    FC_Scroll
        CALL    vAC

        BRA     #4

; ---------------

_ORG    FC_Slash

        LD      adresH
        ADDI    #8
        ST      adresH
_LAB #1
        LD      adresH
        SUBI    #1
        ST      adresH

        LDI     #0
        POKE    adres
        INC     adres
        LD      adres
        ANDI    #7
        BNE     #1


_ORG    FC_BSlash

_LAB #1
        LDI     #0
        POKE    adres
        INC     adresH

        INC     adres
        LD      adres
        ANDI    #7
        BNE     #1

        LD      adresH
        SUBI    #8
        ST      adresH


_VAR    videoTable      #$0100
_VAR    source          #131
_VAR    destin          #133
_VAR    y               #135
_VAR    yH              #136

_ORG    FC_Scroll

        LDWI    videoTable
        ST      y          ; ugly clear y
        STW     destin
        ADDI    #16
        STW     source

        LDW     destin
        ST      yH

_LAB #1
        LDW     source
        POKE    destin

        INC     source
        INC     source
        INC     destin
        INC     destin
        LD      destin
        XORI    #224
        BNE     #1

_LAB #2
        LD      yH
        POKE    destin

        LDI     #160
        ST      sysArg0 ; copy count
        LDW     y
        STW     sysArg2 ; dest adrr
        SYS     #54

        INC     yH
        INC     destin
        INC     destin

        LD      destin
        XORI    #240
        BNE     #2


Re: Time for a contest? Simplest maze-like printing..

Posted: 11 Nov 2023, 12:23
by petersieg
Very nice job!

best, Peter

Re: Time for a contest? Simplest maze-like printing..

Posted: 11 Nov 2023, 15:52
by lb3361
Lots of neat tricks in Phibrizzo's code.

Re: Time for a contest? Simplest maze-like printing..

Posted: 11 Nov 2023, 18:13
by lb3361
A different effect, without scroll, 88 bytes.
(308 Bytes) Downloaded 264 times
(88 Bytes) Downloaded 279 times

Code: Select all


$78f8 mask=
  \SYS_Random_34 _sysFn=
  [do [do 34!! mask& _sysArgs4= \sysArgs4, 160- if>=0loop] \sysArgs5, 8- if<0loop ]
  1 x= 34!! [if<0 -1 x= _sysArgs4 7+ _sysArgs4=]
  \SYS_VDrawBits_134 _sysFn= $3f00 _sysArgs0=
  1 [do \sysArgs2. 1<< b= 134!! _sysArgs4 x+ _sysArgs4= <b, if<>0loop]

Re: Time for a contest? Simplest maze-like printing..

Posted: 12 Nov 2023, 14:22
by petersieg
Very nice and SMALL too!

Thx, Peter

Re: Time for a contest? Simplest maze-like printing..

Posted: 12 Nov 2023, 20:20
by Phibrizzo
lb3361 wrote: 11 Nov 2023, 18:13 A different effect, without scroll, 88 bytes.
I tried to make an effect like yours.
It is shorter but less effective.
(79 Bytes) Downloaded 267 times

Code: Select all

_CPU    v5.vcpu

_VAR    FC_Main #$20A0

_RUN    FC_Main

; -----------------------

_VAR    line    #129
_VAR    sign    #131

_ORG    FC_Main

        LDWI    #$04E1  ; VDrawBits
        STW     sysFn
        LDWI    #$3F00  ; Colors
        STW     sysArg0

; -- Random position ---

_LAB #1
        LD      #$8
        ANDI    #%11111000
        ST      sysArg4 ; X
        SUBI    #160
        BGE     #1

_LAB #2
        LD      #$7
        ANDI    #%01111000
        BEQ     #2
        ST      sysArg5 ; Y

; -- Change direction --

        LDI     #1
        ST      line
        STW     sign

        LDW     #$6
        BLE     #3

        LDI     #-1
        ST      sign

        LD      sysArg4
        ADDI    #7
        ST      sysArg4

; ------ Draw loop ------

_LAB #3
        LD      line
        BEQ     #1

        ST      sysArg2
        SYS     #134
        LD      sysArg4
        ADDW    sign
        ST      sysArg4

        LD      line
        ST      line

        BRA     #3